• March 10, 2021

More than 4000 systems

more than 4000 systems to integrate in your testing system

More than 4000 systems

More than 4000 systems 564 326 Webteam

Only 5 minutes to connect your test automation with >4000 systems

Imagine a test automation with more the 4000 systems such as JenkinsSlackTeamsAzure DevOps, etc. this would be a real added value right?

Let us illustrate you within the next couple of minutes, how you can integrate your test automation those great systems. No added obstacle, since the existing system is already running and you can demonstrate the benefit for all stakeholder, starting from developer and ending at the product manager.

Trio-api solved

Countdown: 00:04:30 pseudo-standards as solution!

Nowadays, you expect that Open application interfaces (APIs) are part of the standard offer provided by modern platform solutions. With this in mind, we expect this fact to apply also in the test automation platforms. Sadly, this is not enough to guarantee a smooth and easy integration. Then even though, you are using two platforms with APIs that are open, there is no testimony that they can communicate with each other.

And this takes up your precious time. Most likely, there is still a need for a platform-specific integration. On the one hand, you may be lucky, and one of the two platforms supports the other. Or on the other hand you are confronted with the fact that neither support each other. And therefore, there is a need to create two isolated solutions that are accessible but do not communicate with each other.

This is where pseudo-standards, i.e. applications that are so widespread that they themselves are seen as standards, provide the solution.

API not compatible

00:04:00 a wrapper for a successful integration

A great solution is, if you have a modern platform that not only offers you an open API, but at the same time also an “out of the box” support with Zapier.

Zapier is a platform that acts as That is why a modern platform today offers not only an open API, but also out-of-the-box support for platforms such as an intermediary between a platform and any number of other platforms.

This intermediation is made possible when a platform vendor, or alternatively the customers themselves, provide a wrapper of sorts that uses the available platform API and converts it into a Zapier-compatible standard format.

All platforms that provide the appropriate wrappers are automatically compatible with each other and can be integrated into an automated workflow of any complexity within minutes.

A message on Slack in your team’s tester channel as soon as a new test case has been released?  How long do you require with your current solution? With TestResults.io and the comprehensive Zapier wrapper, you will not require more than 5 minutes and that will already include the Zapier login.

00:03:00 what is Zapier?


Zapier is a web service that automatically links actions between different web apps and synchronizes their applications with each other in order that they can execute the desired processes. This is carried out by so-called “zaps”. A Zap uses a trigger, i.e. a triggering event, in one app to trigger an action in another app. The application is flexible and diverse, as is the range of integration options.

00:02:30 TestResults.io together with Zapier


How does such a Zap look like?

Let us illustrate it in the following example: “Slack message in the tester channel as soon as a new test case has been released, proceed as follows:”

Create a new Zap

  • Select TestResults.io as application for trigger
  • Deposit user data
  • Trigger event, choose „new test case“
  • Action – add “Send Channel Message in Slack”Channel Message in Slack“
  • Choose account
  • Define message, incl. variables such as test name, test identifier, etc.

Immediately after activation you have fully integrated TestResults.io into your Slack environment. In less than 5 minutes. The same way, you can add any content and event from TestResults.io to the environments which you are using.

Solution Integration within 5 min

00:01:00 debugging & troubleshooting simplified.

Through this block-based approach, you can yourself define how the integration of the test automation platform will look like in your IT landscape. In just a few hours, you achieve a 100% customized integration. And more, without waiting for TestResults.io to provide a specific interface to your platform.

In short, by integrating with Zapier, not only integration but also debugging are greatly simplified. Even more troubleshooting is also immensely simplified. You will no longer need to read through countless pages of documentation for an API. You can instead click together your integration with blocks and test the workflow. So even before completing with static sample data, that corresponds 1:1 to the character of the real data.

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