Posts Tagged :

no wait code

How to Avoid Explicit Waits in Your Test Automation 560 315 Pascal Gyger

How to Avoid Explicit Waits in Your Test Automation

Dynamic loading of data complicates test automation You have probably experienced a similar situation many times, especially if you are on a landline internet connection. Searching for top restaurants in your travel guide app close to you. You see the first entries, once applied the search. But the list is not finished it is still…

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2020 Codified Expertise 560 315 Pascal Gyger

2020 Codified Expertise

Interactive Visual Testing is more than finding image and clicking on coordinate Earlier, our last blog described a major issue first and foremost leaving you with a messed-up UI. Beginning, with overlaying titles and continuing with a broken language selection. Therefore, you started to build up your automation with image-based object detection. First it starts…

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