Posts Tagged :

test automation

more than 4000 systems to integrate in your testing system
More than 4000 systems 564 326 Webteam

More than 4000 systems

Only 5 minutes to connect your test automation with >4000 systems Imagine a test automation with more the 4000 systems such as Jenkins, Slack, Teams, Azure DevOps, etc. this would be a real added value right? Let us illustrate you within the next couple of minutes, how you can integrate your test automation those great systems. No added…

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How to Avoid Explicit Waits in Your Test Automation 560 315 Pascal Gyger

How to Avoid Explicit Waits in Your Test Automation

Dynamic loading of data complicates test automation You have probably experienced a similar situation many times, especially if you are on a landline internet connection. Searching for top restaurants in your travel guide app close to you. You see the first entries, once applied the search. But the list is not finished it is still…

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